Unlock Your Money Potential

Understanding & Action

Certified Money Coach (CMC)®

Meet Your Coach

AMAZE U Money Coaching and Planning was created from desire to build a business and community that helps people just like me who want to transform their lives:

  • to be free from financial stress,
  • to have guidance and support in their financial and personal decisions;
  • to have more time for family and work life balance; and
  • to create their financial success.

AMAZE U Money is all about delivering financial empowerment through compassion and understanding.

Hey there, I am Alison, an Internationally Certified Money Coach (CMC)®; Financial Planner; Educator and Owner/Director of AMAZE U Money Coaching – Achieving More Abundance Zestfully Empowering U.  I have over 28 years combined experience in Financial Services; Money Coaching; Legal industries and Health and Fitness to help my clients in all facets of their lives.

During my experience I have come to realise that money is an essential part of our lives and affects all our relationships. We all have an emotional connection to money whether this is positive or negative and if we really look at our financial situation we need more than just a practical approach, we need to understand our how our emotions and behaviours impact our day-to-day decisions and ultimately our financial success.

My clients regularly tell me that what sets me apart from other professionals is my ability support them through all of life’s challenges, take time to really listen to them and to breakdown complex matters in an easy-to-understand format to inspire them to take action.

We offer many services designed to suit our clients’ needs whether you are running your own business; working for an employer; studying and/or focusing on your yourself and/or family. We can help guide and support you through many life events including:

  • starting a new job,
  • starting or running your business
  • combining finances with a loved one
  • buying a home or investment property
  • starting a family
  • going through relationship separation
  • preparing for retirement
  • moving into Aged Care

These services include the Certified Money Coaching dynamic 4 Step Coaching Transformation process. This can be undertaken one on one or in group coaching; Financial Workshops and Planning and Education sessions and are designed to:

  • Assess your “money types” and understand how they are impacting your life, your relationships and your finances. Please check out our Money Quiz here to find out what Money Type you are.
  • Create positive changes about how you think and feel about money, so that you can unblock the flow of money into your life.
  • Grow wealth for your family and create a secure future?
  • Discover how many unresolved money issues affect your relationship with your spouse, your children and your work.
  • Experience greater financial harmony in your business partnership and/or marriage.
  • Develop peace of mind through creating a more balanced life – personally and financially.

You will receive personalised guidance and support to start seeing change in your finances and your future through a process of exploration and discovery.

The 8 Money Archetypes

Which One Are You?

Becoming aware of your subconscious money patterns will help you understand why you make the decisions you do. The Money Quiz will help to identify your influencing behaviours, empowering you to let go of past thought patterns that are no longer serving you, and help transform your relationship with money.

Money Coaching